SSMU Environment & Sustainability
Your one-stop resource for student sustainability at McGill
- Co-Chair Environment Committee (EC), official environmental representation of McGill’s undergraduate students to the SSMU Legislative Council.
- Oversee SSMU policies on environment and sustainability, ensuring compliance with our policies and managing the renewal process when these policies are up for renewal.
- Manage the Environment Fund to make sure students/clubs can get access to adequate funding for their sustainability projects.
- Run various events and campaigns throughout the academic year to improve sustainability among the undergraduate student body at McGill.
- Manage the Environment Committee (EC) Core Team, a group of volunteers who help implement EC sanctioned projects.
Who we are
SSMU Environment & Sustainability is run by the Sustainability Commissioners. We manage SSMU’s environmental and sustainability based activities, and provide support for students/clubs involved in such activities at McGill. The Sustainability Commissioners are supported by a Core Team of volunteers.
Sustainability commissioners

Kai hollett
Hey! My name is Kai, I’m a third year Political Science major with a double minor in Business Management and Economics. As a political science student, I’m particularly interested in how to make public policy work to protect our planet and our people; leading me to do two internships in clean energy policy development with the Clean Foundation and the Government of Nova Scotia in my hometown of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Feel free to reach out to me at— I’d love to hear your thoughts on sustainability at McGill and how SSMU can advance sustainable practices for the student body.
Roxanne Morgan MaxfielD
Hi! My name is Roxy and I am! I am a second year Environment honors student with a double minor in Urban Studies and International Development. I was born in America however am an international student through and through; having lived in 5 countries growing up with Canada being 6th and my new home for my university life. I have a passion for all things environmental justice and love making our student government more accessible and transparent for all the people we work for; the students!! Please feel free to reach out to me about any projects or ideas you have about how to make our campus more sustainable!

Core team

Our Core Team is composed of four Project Coordinators and a Media Coordinator, and managed by the Sustainability Commissioners. They are a team of volunteers who primarily support our project implementation and student outreach functions.
Project Coordinators:
Adam Assimakopoulos
Elysse Barfoot
Jeremy Koueiki
Sofia Pharand
Media Coordinator:
Brielle Tran